
My Reading Statistics

Reading Statistics for April 2024

Comparing March with April

Very happy with the amount I read. Finished almost everything I wanted to for the readathon.

Makes perfect sense that my moods have shifted even more. Have been really in the mood for thriller/mystery/horror and you can see that reflected here.

Read some more slower paced books which was great!

I read 2 big books this month, which is pretty good. Not very many short books. Very happy with how this stat looks.


Very funny to see that I did not read any books between 400 and 500 pages last month, but it was my second biggest one this month. Also the big books I did read weren't that big.

Nothing so say here.

Haven't been in the mood to read nonfiction as you can see here. I do think I want to go back to it, but maybe I have to listen to more audiobooks for that.

Here you can see my horror/mystery/thriller mood. Also funny to see short stories on here, which I don't normally read. I do think the collection I did read was more essays.

Definitely a switch here. I was on holiday this month and didn't want to listen to any audiobooks then. So makes sense I only finished one.


This is all over the place, but here you can see I'm doing very well for my Kobo Plus subscription. Very much using that. Also my Storytel subscription and of course my library. I am very happy I did manage to read a lot of owned books this month. BookBeat really needs to increase, otherwise I really need to cancel my subscription or at least lower it.

Not happy with my ratings going down even more. And not getting a new 5 star favorite. I really hope I can have this changed next month.

Reading Statistics for March 2024

Comparing February with March

StoryGraph is being very weird with these stats. As you can see further on I have listened to way more hours then this. Disappointing that it doesn't who correctly.

I really switched moods in March. Which is totally fine with me, fun to read very different things.

I don't have much to say about this one as always. I think most books are not logged as slow, so I never read those. Even though I love slow paced books.

This one looks so awesome! I'm very glad I read some more bigger books and I really love them. Want to try and make an effort to read those more.

I have a Plus membership and they updated the stats feature. I can make my own graphs now, so I thought it would be fun to see the page number even more. I made this one with 100 page difference and the last one very big, because most books are under that number. Super fun to see this stat and would be fun to compare it.

I listened to 6 audiobooks in total and it was fifty fifty on hours as you can see.

Also made a chart for the audiobook duration. As you can see my preffered one for this month was between 6 and 9 hours. Curious to see if this will change. Do think most audiobooks are this or the one above.

Wasn't in the mood to read nonfiction as you can see here.

The genres changed quite a lot this month. I noticed I wasn't reading fantasy much even though that is my favorite genre, so decided to change that. As you can see that went well. I also am finally back in the thriller/horror mood, so have been reading those again.

Not much changed here. Only that I did not do many rereads, because the reread I did was a very long book. I also have been doing more buddy-reads, but that is mainly for a readalong.

Here you can see that I listened to a lot more audiobooks. I did not read that many physical books apparantly.

I made this chart so you can see where I get my books from, but also that I mainly, if I read physically, read with the audiobook with it.

Read some more Dutch books, but don't think this will change a lot.

Unfortunately my ratings went down quite a bit. I did not have the best of luck with the books this month. Mainly because I was reading series that were not that great.

Reading Statistics for February 2024

Comparing January with February

I read less books in February which makes sense since I did not have my holiday. But I did read more pages, which is cool! I did not listen to a lot of hours, am in a bit of an audiobook slump I think. Hope those will become higher next month.

Bit of a different stat for this one. Still happy with it. Would be nice to get lighthearted higher again, but that is a difficult one to find. Would also be nice to get funny higher, but again more difficult to find. Dark is gone which definitely makes sense, having been liking that mood.

Pace is almost always the same I feel like and I don't super care about this stat. I would like to read some slower paced books, but again harder to find I think.

I read some big books in February and I'm really happy with that. Will keep that up more in the upcoming months. I just really love bigger books, but I seem to read shorter books way more often.

This makes a lot of sense. The green part will probably not be here for a while, which is fine. Do hope to get the blue one a bit bigger next month.

Read less nonfiction, but that makes sense. Do think this is how I would like it to be.

This was my month of reading LGBTQ+ books and loved it. Really want to priotize those reads more, because they are my favorite. It's very funny to me that fantasy is the lowest here, because I absolutely love fantasy. So I need to try and read those more. Romance will probably be lower again, because now I'm a bit done with the genre for the moment.

Listened to more audiobooks with the physical book alongside and really enjoyed that again. Good that ebook is so high as well, because want to use my subscription for it. Library is low, because I have been reading a lot of my owned books and I think it might get even lower next month.

Hope to get my audiobook stat higher next month, because I do like listening to those and again want to use my subscription. A third would be nice to get.

I read one Dutch book. Again not a stat I really care about that much, but is funny to see this.

This is so cool that I literally have the same rating! Would have been happier if I did not get the 2 star, but it happened. My 5 star is again super high which I'm very happy about. Those rereads are the best!

Reading Statistics for January 2024

I read a lot of books, but the most important thing for me this month is that I am enjoying reading again. I did not feel this way the last couple of months of 2023, so am very glad I got that feeling back. I hope to keep that up.

These moods look amazing. I love that I read so many lighthearted books! Hope that I can keep that up. The sad one is too high for my liking, so need to look out that that doesn't get too high.

I read more slow paced books in January and I want to keep that up, because I do really like slow paced books.

This one is funny to me. But was very expected since I did read so many small books. I also read a lot of Netgalley ARCs which were mostly children's picture books. Hope that this will be more balanced in the upcoming months.

This looks great and it would be fun to keep this up. But I don't think that is doable. Especially since I don't have that many longer books on my audiobook tbr list. So the green will probably disappear next month.

I read a lot of nonfiction and I really enjoyed it. Want to keep that up, but it doesn't have to be this high. At least a quarter would be nice.

I read so many different genres! So awesome! Really want to keep that up as well, because I love to do this. Glad LGBTQ+ is so high, but it really needs to be higher. Hope I can focus on that more. Also want to try and read more romance, because I have been loving that.

A lot of ebooks, but that makes sense with the Netgalley books. But I also read 4 other ebooks, so that is pretty good going. Not a lot of audiobooks, but that is what I wanted to do this month on holiday. Rereading is pretty high and I want to keep that up, because I'm loving it.

Here you can see again all the ebooks I read and that I did not listen to a lot of audiobooks. That will probably be higher next month.

This stat is not super interesting to me. I do think this is a good balance for me number wise.

Good ratings as always. I don't mind the two 3 star reads I had, because they were both very short and one I only partly read. Do hope to avoid those ratings of course, but it is fine when they are there. I really love that my 5 stars are so high. I did reread quite a few books of course, but still five new 5 star reads, which is awesome. Hope I can keep that up.

Reading Statistics for 2023

I set my goals in November and thought it would be fun to have everything with a 3 since it was 2023. I met all my goals, but they were not really goals.

This is not surprising at all. I'm very glad all the high moods are so high. I'm curious to see if dark and mysterious will be less or more next year. Hope everything will stay the same. Relaxing can go up.

This makes sense. I also do think most books are medium paced. It would be cool to have slow as a higher percentage, just to see if I actually do like that more.

This stat is really funny to me. In my head I read a lot of books that are between 300 and 500 pages. But as you can see I really do not. I did read quite a few 500+ books, happy with that.

Happy with this stat. It looks good. The highest one might go up next year, but we shall see.

This is a good percentage for me. It might go up more in the next year, because I read nonfiction every day now. Curious to see if that will happen.

Not surprising fantasy is so high. It is my favorite genre. I am glad I read so many different genres. I really think that that is fun. There are 58 genres in total on StoryGraph. I read 39 which is almost 70%. I think that is really cool. Hope to keep this up next year.

These tags are interesting to see, especially certain tags. You can see here that I listen to way many audiobooks than you see in the next stat. That is because I often listen to an audiobook whilst reading along in the physical copy. You can also see here that I unhauled a couple of books that I read this year, not very many.

As I mentioned above, this one is not really correct. But yeah physical is my favorite way to read still. Good to see here that digital is so much higher. I just bought an ereader, so that one probably will go up more.

This is so fun to see! M.G. Leonard on top, I just absolutely love her. Alice Oseman is so high because of all the Heartstopper books I reread. The other authors are either series or rereads. Very curious how this will look next year. I know Robin Hobb will be high, but all the other authors probably won't. So that will be fun to look at next year.

I think this is a good amount for me. I might want to try and read more Dutch, because I do miss out on more books, because I don't like reading translated fantasy books. But I might give those a try more in the new year.

I was all over the place of course, that is no surprise. My average is 10 books a month I think. Which seems like a good amount for me. I would like to have my audiobooks be more steady, but I think that will happen next year.

I'm pretty happy with these stats. You might be wondering why I'm not super happy, because a 4.31 is really high. Well, mainly because I did not have many new 5 star reads this year. I reread 30 books as you can see in my Wrap Up. So I only had 12 new 5 star reads. That is not a good number for me. Hope that will go better next year. All the other ratings I am very happy with. Glad I had so few under 4 stars, because that is how I like to read.